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Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin

Traditionelle Chinesische Medizin TCM Akupunktur

Traditional Chinese Medicine for obstetrics

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a millennia-old health science and is based on the Chinese philosophy of Yin and Yang and the five phases of transformation. The human is healthy when body, mind and soul form a unity and the life energy Qi can flow harmoniously. If there are imbalances and blockages in this energetic system, complaints can arise.

Traditional Chinese Medicine works with various methods to dissolve them and to balance and strengthen the person in a holistic way.

Yin Yang TCM
Akupunktur Schwangerschaft Wochenbett


supports and facilitates pregnancy, birth and

postnatal period

Akupressur TCM Schwangerschaft Wochenbett


Acupoint massage

gently treatment:

pressure with the fingers 

or acupoint pens

Moxibustion bei Beckenendlage Steißlage, Fruchtbarkeit TCM


moving and dynamize:
increasing fertility and in case of breech presentation

Fußreflexzonenbehandlung Schwangerschaft

Foot reflexology massage

harmonizes and strengthens the whole body, a blessing for heavy and tired feet

Narbe Dammriss Dammschnitt Kaiserschnitt Narbenbehandlung


Behandlung von harten, dicken, tauben oder schmerzhaften Narben (z.B. Kaiserschnittnarbe)



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