Ayurvedic Baby Massage
The attentive touch is a wonderful way to give your child closeness, care and attention. This type of massage is an ancient practice and in Ayurveda, it is traditionally passed on from mother to daughter. The soothing and gentle touches can be applied as early as in the first day of life.
It is a ritual that grounds the baby and gives him warmth, feeling of security and safety. The child is contacted on all his different levels, his body awareness is strengthened and his nervous system is soothed.
The lymphatic system is activated, the body's defences are boosted and the linguistical and motor development and functions are positively affected by the stimulation of the cerebral hemispheres.
The gentle touch is pure love and strengthens the emotional bond between you and your baby.

Wir massieren in kleinen Gruppen zu max. 5 Eltern-Kind-Paaren. Bitte bringen Sie ein großes Handtuch, Wechselkleidung für das Kind sowie ein Babymützchen mit. Hochwertiges Massageöl wird gestellt.
nächste Termine (3 Einheiten, jeweils von 10-11 Uhr) FEBRUAR 12.02.25, 19.02., 26.02.
Kosten: 80 €